2 quick notes for you today:

💰 #1 - take a look at these 5 easy-to-apply AOV-boosting tactics for your funnel (whether you’re selling ecommerce, info or anything really…)

💻 #2 - check out this info product webinar funnel scaling right now on YouTube.

Ready? Let’s go…

5 "Lazy" Ways to Boost Your AOV (average order value)

Funnel of the Week did a detailed breakdown on Nooro’s Knee Massager ecommerce funnel this past week…

And as part of the breakdown released this detailed post on 5 “Lazy” Ways to Boost your funnel’s AOV (average order value)…

…Without changing the upsell flow or without even creating a new product to sell at all.

Read the detailed article here

Direct Response YouTube Ads Brainstorm Session (free)

Want help scaling your Direct Response offer/product on YouTube, Connected TV and other Direct Response Video Ad Platforms?

Schedule a FREE Brainstorm Call with Inceptly, the team behind $950M in Direct Response revenue here:

Info Product Funnel Scaling Right Now

If you’re selling anything via a webinar these days you’re probably paying attention to what FPA Workshop is doing.

They run a “How to sell digital products on Amazon” offer and it’s doing great at the moment.

They’ve spent $4 million USD on YouTube this past year…

See all their ads and landing pages inside of VidTao

…with ads like this one with over $128k spent in the past 30 days:

Go here to see the ad inside VidTao

And they’ve got a lot more in the tank, with ads like these:

See all their ads & landers inside of VidTao

☝️ That’s 4 or 5 ads spending at least $1k/day right now. Great creative diversification!

Landing Page Split Tests

Also notice all the landing page split tests they’re running:

See all the landing pages here inside VidTao

Here is one for example, where they are testing sending people directly to a simple form:

…versus sending to a landing page with a button that when clicked begins the form signup process:

Have a great week!

The VidTao Team

PS - Go here to claim a Free Trial of the all-new VidTao 2.0 YouTube ad library (complete with 10 million+ unlisted YouTube ads & their landing pages)

PPS - Are you spending $1k/day+ on Paid Ads? 👉 Go here to set up a free YouTube Ad brainstorm chat.

Advertise with VidTao's Audience of 100k+

Get in touch today to advertise with VidTao & get your brand in front of the Who's Who of Performance Advertising & Direct Response. Whether you’re looking to reach decision-makers at top brands or looking for rock-start talent for your team (like our happy advertising client below) VidTao’s audience is the cream of the crop of digital advertisers always looking for the next interesting product, tool, or opportunity.

What are your YouTube ad questions?

In the meantime, what questions do YOU have about YouTube ads?

Let us know in the Comments section below, and we’ll make sure to cover your question in an upcoming post.

Have a nice day!

The VidTao Team