February 8, 2024

Have you explored our “Trainings” section recently? We want to make sure you're fully utilizing its potential. With over 130 training videos now thoughtfully categorized into 5 user-friendly learning paths, VidTao Premium users can discover a wealth of knowledge.

By the way, if you haven't seen or used the training module before, here's how to get there:

1) Simply log in to your account,
2) Select the “Trainings” module on the left,

and you’re ready to dive deep into the world of knowledge and expertise.

🎁 Get access to all the trainings when you try VidTao Premium FREE for 7 days here.

We're excited to announce that enhancements to our “Trainings” module are underway, aimed at making it more extensive, functional, and easy to navigate. As we put the finishing touches on these improvements, we've prepared a special document for you that outlines all 5 learning paths, designed to streamline your educational journey. This document simplifies tracking your progress and includes a feature allowing you to mark completed trainings.

👉👉👉 Grab the Learning Path document here

Each of our learning paths is a journey through the most important and cutting-edge topics in digital marketing today.

Here is a quick overview of what we have in store for you:

1. YouTube advertising mastery path

This path is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in YouTube advertising. It’s meticulously crafted to cover all aspects of YouTube marketing, from setting up efficient tracking systems to mastering creative strategies and performance campaigns.

2. Media buying path

Master the art of Media Buying with our curated Media Buyer learning path. Discover the secrets to running successful ad campaigns, targeting the right audience, and boosting your ROI. Our lessons cover everything from gaining a solid grip on UTM tracking to planning killer retail digital media campaigns. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro, our concise and practical lessons will empower you to make informed decisions and drive results like never before. All you need to get started is just hit play!

3. Prompt engineering path

Learn how to harness the power of generative AI to elevate your marketing game, stay ahead of the competition, and never run out of ads to test with our hands-on Prompt engineering path. Discover best practices for doing market research that gives you real actionable insights, generating endless ideas to prevent creative fatigue, prototyping and producing ads on a budget, and optimizing other areas of your business. Say goodbye to blindly prompting AI and hoping for the best with the Prompt Engineering Path trainings!

4. Technical SEO path

If you’re interested in picking up the skills that will help you handle Technical SEO like a pro, this learning path is for you! It will give you a solid grasp on a variety of topics, ranging from keyword research using Ahrefs to processing large datasets with Python. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your technical SEO game using our short, practical lessons!

5. Marketing Mix Modeling path

Tired of making decisions based on your gut feeling? Not sure how to make sense of the vast arrays of data spread across a multitude of tools and dashboards? Then, our comprehensive Marketing Mix Modeling path is exactly what you need. Learn how to build effective MMMs that equip you with insights to optimize your marketing strategies. Master the art of gathering, consolidating, and interpreting your data instead of feeling overwhelmed with it. Make sound, informed decisions and supercharge your marketing game. All of that is possible with the power of MMMs, and our Learning Path is a great place to get started!

🎁 Get access to all the trainings when you try VidTao Premium FREE for 7 days here.

As we diligently work on enhancing the functionality of our “Trainings” module, we encourage you not to pause your learning journey. There's a treasure trove of engaging and comprehensive courses available right now, each one included in your current plan. These resources are designed to enrich your knowledge and skills, and we wouldn't want you to miss out on them.

Dive in and explore the wealth of content that's waiting for you!

Happy learning!

VidTao team

PS: If you want to save time and simply “transplant” our team’s knowledge - generating nearly 1 Billion USD in Direct Response revenue - directly into your team? We’ve got just the ticket for you…

Check out our YouTube Ad Bootcamp program here, where we take you & your team from zero to “hero” with YouTube ads, in just a few weeks:

👉👉 YouTube Ad Bootcamp

Today's Blog Post is Supported by Inceptly

Direct Response Video & Traffic Agency

Are you spending over $1k/day on ads?

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VidTao Team

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